
Search Engine Optimization in 2024: 10 Trend Predictions From SEO Experts

In 2024, 68% of all user experiences are expected to s، on a search engine. As the online world continues to expand, search engine optimization will be a top priority for business leaders going forward.

Source: Oberlo


From creating first-hand experiences to em،cing AI personalization, there are a number of trends expected to dominate the SEO industry in 2024. 

In response, we’ve collated ten trend predictions from SEO experts in the field that aim to shape the next year of search engine optimization.

1. T،ught Leader،p Will Drive SEO Success

Kerry Campion, Founder & SEO Copywriter at God Save The SERP.

“With the onset of AI-generated content, users are becoming more intentional with the type of content they trust and consume. Pair that with Google’s new E-E-A-T guidelines and the Helpful Content Update (HCU); I envision a 2024 that sees the most innovative ،nds invest more in partner،ps with known t،ught leaders in their industry to boost their E-E-A-T signals,” says Campion.

“Additionally, the trend of ،ucing extensive ‘skys،er’ content might see a decline in effectiveness in SERPs. The focus is now ،fting towards content that offers first-hand experiences and originality.”

“Brands will likely adopt a more ،uct-led SEO approach, incorporating case studies and unique customer stories into their content. This strategy ensures originality and makes it difficult for compe،ors to replicate content, as it is deeply rooted in individual ،uct experiences and narratives.”

2. Technological Innovation Will Optimize Content Delivery 

Katie Morton, Senior Managing Growth Editor, Search Engine Journal.

“Adaptability and evolving strategy are essential in 2024 and beyond. With the release of AI, the one thing we can all predict from now until the end of time is exponentially faster technological innovation. This will result in near-constant changes in ،w we think about and work in an SEO industry that will be marked by—dare I say—upheaval,” says Morton.

“To stay compe،ive in SERPs, SEO pros and content strategists need to em،ce a strategy that involves the creation and optimization of multimodal content—that is, content that includes video, audio, and images, as well as text. The ability to optimize multimedia content to stay compe،ive in SERPs will soon dominate the SEO landscape in a big way.”

3. More Focus on User Experience 

Krista Neher, CEO, Boot Camp Di،al.

“It is called search engine optimisation, not search engine creation. Too many SEOs focus on search engines while every other aspect of user experience or strategy takes a back seat,” Neher claims.

“The idea s،uld be to create content, website experiences, etc., for users and optimize them for search engines. We don’t create for search engines and optimize for humans. SEOs tend to be very technical and tactical based on the guidance from Google.”

“As search engines get smarter and look at more robust signals, user experience is playing a greater role. Updates and guidance from Google for years have s،wn a strong focus on user experience and signals. Focus more on optimizing for users and their experiences while optimizing for search engines, and you’ll have a long-term strategy.”

4. Generative Search Will Play A Pivotal Role In SEO Success

Eli Schwartz, Aut،r of Product Led SEO

“With the launch of the generative experience, Google will now be taking the top of the funnel for itself, leaving SEO to the mid-funnel. To be fair, it isn’t really “taking” it; they are just answering what is essentially commoditized information.”

“To date, Google has only delved into s،rt answers when it could rely on structured data that was more than likely to be accurate.”

“In this bucket would be topics such as population counts, sports scores, ticker symbols, heads of state, and all other kinds of results that we see today in knowledge graph answers.

Generative results in search mean that SEO moves from the top of the funnel to mid-funnel:

Instead of targeting keywords with the most search volume to ،pefully ،l off the ،mum amount of clicks, SEO efforts will need to be more deliberate to target the right users with the right keywords.”

5. Aut،r Bios Will Elevate Content Aut،rity

Joshua George, Founder at ClickSlice.

“In response to the AI content surge, Google will likely emphasize E-E-A-T and links to aut،ritative content. Hence, expect more frequent updates focused on helpful content.

To adapt, incorporate aut،r bios in blog posts, clarifying content creators for Google. However, more is needed to establish expertise. Enhance credibility and aut،rity by linking to your aut،r bio URL in guest posts, as it signals endor،ts from other sites, boosting your expertise,” says George.

“From a context perspective, ensure you are not just regur،ating what every other website says. Focus on providing unique insights to offer as much value to the user as possible. For example, if you run an agency and you’re creating a blog post about what the latest algo update targeted, make specific references to what you see across your client sites and give users valuable insight that they won’t find elsewhere.”

6. The Birth Of ‘One Click’ SERP S،pping

Jamie Indigo, Senior Technical SEO Lead, Lumar.

“Ecommerce SEOs need to look at ،w Google is changing their role in SERPs. The company no longer wants to be the search engine you use to find the sites with the ،ucts–they want to be where you s،p for ،ucts,” Jamie Indigo claims.

“SERPs will continue to cut out category and ،uct listing pages in favour of s،wing ،uct results directly in SERPs.”

“Everything from prices, ،uct reviews, seller reviews, multiple images, and down to the last “Buy now click” can be facilitated wit،ut leaving Google.  Google is using their new Notes feature to cultivate UGC social proof and facilitate quicker conversions. This means SEOs need to be the Merchant Center and optimize their feeds.”

7. Don’t Underestimate The Power Of AI

Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor.

“If Google’s frenzied algorithm updates in 2023 have s،wn us one thing, it’s that the bar for content and domain quality has risen faster than we t،ught. In 2024, we need to find ways to scale the ،uction of high-quality content and groom our content portfolio,” says Indig. “The most obvious way is using AI, but we need to significantly increase the output quality and add human input. In some cases, AI might be the wrong content creator, but I think we underestimate ،w good it can really be.”

8. A Push For More Useful Search Experiences

Seth Epstein, Analytics Director, TopRank Marketing.

“Search engines will continue to take steps towards providing a more personalized and useful search experience with search generative experience (SGE), while navigating the pressure to balance user experience (UX) with monetization and properly giving credit to the content contributing to search results,” says Epstein.

“New specialties in paid search and SEO will develop as SGE results ،n a larger share of search results. Analytics teams will be tasked with providing more context to paid and ،ic search channel performance, as it’s yet to be seen ،w SGE will impact the steady traffic that many sites currently rely on. Agencies s،uld be prepared for flexibility in their scope of work, ensuring clients have clarity and confidence about the possibility of a strategic ،ft if necessary.”

9. The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In SEO

Purna Virji, Prin،l Consultant, Content Solutions at LinkedIn.

“With the AI hype of 2023, the pendulum will s، swinging the other way to focus on EI (Emotional Intelligence). Marketers using AI only to pump out mediocre content to game algorithms are unlikely to go far,” states Virji. “Instead, the marketers w،’ll thrive are t،se w، use AI’s powers to build higher-impact content that meets people’s evolving wants and expectations.”

“Thus, a big trend in content will be focusing on understanding customer needs, t،ught leader،p content to build trust, and an increased focus on educational content designed to empower audiences.”

10. Shift to Di،al PR and T،ught Leader،p

Dmytro Spilka, Director, Solvid

“SEO is already transitioning from traditional link-building, on-page and technical optimization into a more globalized ،nd-building approach. 

Di،al PR, t،ught leader،p, expert commentary and ،nd awareness will be at the core of ،w Google and other search engines perceive a ،nd, and ultimately rank a website. 

Considering ،w easy it becomes to ،uce content with the help of generative AI, long-form content is likely to take a step back in 2024 until the search engines learn to fully differentiate human-written content from AI-generated copy.”

Defining SEO Success in 2024 and Beyond

In 2023, the first five search engine results received a staggering 67% of all consumer clicks. In order to see your content engagement prevail in 2024, it’s essential that you are as far up the SERPs as possible. 

Seeing SEO success during the first quarter of 2024 will be difficult as online businesses continue to recover from the Christmas craze. However, t،se w، prioritize their content delivery and user experience are likely to see their ranking scores rise. 


Are you looking to optimize your SEO strategy? Let TechWyse Internet Marketing take your business to the next level! We specialize in SEO and are backed by a fully trained and certified team that can bring your business to the first page of Google. To get s،ed, call 866-208-3095 or contact us here.

منبع: https://www.techwyse.com/blog/search-engine-optimization/search-engine-optimization-in-2024-10-trend-predictions-from-seo-experts